Evolution of a travel blog – 2-year report & exciting announcement.
My yearly blog report and some new and exciting things that are on the horizon for the Ann K Addley travel blog.

The year is winding to a close but it’s all go for Ann K Addley and I’m amazed at how different the plan is than it was last year. About a year ago I wrote this post about where I was at with the blog
I had been blogging for about 15 months and was disillusioned by the lack of progress I was making. Despite this, I decided to buckle down and developed a six month plan, where my focus was increasing page views on the blog and finishing B is for Boomerang. I worked hard at improving my posts and optimising for social media, especially my Pinterest account which I’m now quite proud of. In lots of ways I was successful, growing my monthly page views from 200-500 a month to 2000-3000 a month but I quickly realised I was being hamstrung by my Wix blogging platform. Wix is great to build a blog for first timers and create a static promotional site but to grow a monetised site; it’s just not in the game.
For the second half of the year, the plan changed dramatically! I enlisted the advice of several mentors, joined an online blogging course and hatched a plan. Originally I wanted to transfer my site to WordPress as is but working through business plans and long term strategies everything evolved. I decided to put B is for Boomerang aside (it’s 97% finished and it was a big decision to delay the release) and focus on blogging for the next six months. Not only that I am going to split the blog into two, each one focusing on a more niche topic. Don’t worry it will still be packed with advice and travel antidotes. I have found that defining my audience more has made me super excited about writing and communicating with my new potential audience. For the first time in two and a half years of blogging, I feel like I am finding my voice and am able to be myself in my writing.

Here are the working concepts for my two new blogs to be launched around March 2017.
For those of us who have never been insta-ready in our lives! This is the ultimate backpacking guide for geeks, from inspiration and book reviews to step by step planning and tips for your first few months on the road. Perfect for those on a budget who want more out of life than 9 to 5 but don’t think a bus full of drunken yobos is the answer.
For those of us who can make planning an art form in itself. This is the ultimate vacation planning site for crafty gals. With our packing lists, reviews and planning tips you will never have to worry you have forgotten something again. Better yet, with free printables and crafting tutorials your planning its self will be beautiful enough to make your friends jealous.
I am super excited about where these are going and finally feel that I am giving blogging everything it needs to potentially succeed.
My biggest obstacle is still networking, which I am known to avoid like the plague but I feel these new more niche topics let me be myself and meet other like-minded people like never before. I have created a networking schedule (don’t laugh) and are attempting to find and ask for help in areas I am not strong in, so I can continue to steadily improve.
I am feeling positive about these new directions and though my blog is still far from successful. I feel like I have learnt so much, that I am finally getting some control over all the little bits and pieces that make up being a self-employed writer.

I will be travelling much of January and February but am currently working on the sites so they will be all ready for launch by the time I return. I will update you as I progress. I want to thank all of you, my readers and particular my slowly growing subscribers. It is a privilege to have you spend your precious time reading my work, I hope I have and continue to provide answers to all your travelling problems.
Author of Stress Free Adventure Planning
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