Travel resolutions to get you past that “one day” road block
So it’s nearly New Year’s again time to drag out those tried and true resolutions, lose weight, learn a language, travel the world…
How about we scrap all that and look at some things that might get us over the “one day” road block. Easier said than done right? Well I know you want to be somewhere exotic, or you wouldn’t be reading this post. So let’s talk about a few ways to incorporate travel into your life that might actually stick, whether it’s a once in a life time trip of just taking more of your vacation days.
If you are dreaming of a big trip or a dream destination, it is important to create a plan, one with steps you can achieve, or you’ll wake up one day wondering why you never did take that trip of a life time. So start planning. You can check out this post for somewhere to start.
Once you have a plan break down each step. Things you need to buy, amount you have to save per month and write it into your diary. Do it now before you can think of an excuse and let it fall by the wayside again. Now be accountable, tell your friends and family, and every month when your diary says something needs to be done make sure you tick of the task. Little by little great things can happen.
(No seriously go write it in your diary now! If the grand plan is too big right now that’s fine, try a smaller adventure to prove to yourself you can do it but take a step right now to make your dream a reality)
So maybe your dream isn’t a huge trip, maybe you don’t have the interest or the flexibility to make it work right now. That’s fine but there are heaps of ways you can incorporate travel into your life to encourage yourself to see more of the world bit by bit. Think of it like setting a healthy habit that will set you up for the lifestyle you want in future.
Here is a list of ideas and mini goals to bring travel into your life over the next year:
Write a travel bucket list and check one thing off it.
Learn to cook a foreign dish.
Remove obstacles – out of date passport, lose touch with friends.
Sign up for a travel rewards program.
Read more travel books to get inspired.
Celebrate something new, a festival or cultural tradition that is new to you.
Take a solo trip, even if it’s only for the weekend.
Take better pictures, read some articles or take a course and get worked up about travel photography.
See more sunsets or sunrises, sometimes we miss beauty right under our noses.
Make friends in new places.
Go somewhere you have never been before even if its 10 minutes from your home.
Unplug from the grid, have a weekend without technology and see what you get up to.
Share travel with a friend who has done less than you. It is fun to extend someone else’s horizons.
Use your vacation time, all of it. Go and book it right now.
Talk to strangers, in everyday life we cross paths with hundreds of people with their own stories to tell.
Learn 5+ foreign words everywhere you go, good manners are not so hard.
Have patience, whether travelling or at home, take a moment to realize how hilarious the situations that most frustrate us often are.
Take a spontaneous trip, road trip, weekend away, just up and go.
Do something active, whether it’s a walk around a new neighborhood or climbing a peak, use your body to explore.
Try a different travel style, if you normally go budget splurge on a little luxury getaway and try a new experience.
Explore your own city, trust me there are things you haven’t seen but more than that, exploration is a mindset that once you find makes every day an adventure.
Do something to preserve this planet you love.
Eat something that scares you, go on and brave something new.
Get past the “one day” road block.
Getting past that road block means taking action, not just saying you will but taking a tiny step in that direction. If you like any of the ideas above add them to your diary now. Ask a friend if they want to take a cooking class with you, schedule your vacation days or download a language app. The first step doesn’t need to be scary but it does need to be taken.
I hope you all have as many adventure this coming year as I am planning to do.
Happy New Year.
If you liked this post check out this article on healthy travel habits for fitness or click here for my FREE travel budget calculator and to get monthly tips to save money on your travels.