Essential Melbourne Summer Adventure - Sand Sculpting Exhibition
There is something to be said for the summers of childhood, sandcastles, sun and carefree days. Well here is a summer tradition that...

Not to be missed circus festival NZJCF
I admit it I’m a festival convert. I know for most people the word ‘festival’ conjures up psytrance hippies or drunken hipsters with...

Things not to miss in Auckland – A city travel guide
Last week I did something very strange, I went home for a holiday. Now of course in my years of travelling I’ve been back but I tend to...

Your itinerary is boring and it doesn’t matter
There is a lot of talk out there about boring itinerary’s and getting off the tourist track but contrary to popular belief, travel...

Budget Airlines Need To Pull Their Pants Up
It is an unwritten rule of commercial travel bloggers to not write about negative experiences they have with specific companies. Luckily...

A Brief History of Travel
Human bodies are designed to move, ever since our ancient hunter and gather ancestors mastered farming we have found one reason or...

The highs and Lows of travel blogging – where to from here
There are hundreds of articles out there telling you how to become a travel blogger and nearly as many telling you how nearly impossible...

Taming the New York Legend
New York is a legend, a dream to those who do not live there, its grittiness and opportunities are the stuff of myth, it is a must see...

10 Travel Videos to Inspire You
I started this post with the intention to share a few of my favorite travel videos, a little research quickly showed me there were three...

12 Facts About Travel Everyone Thinks Are True
So, we all read articles on the internet written by seemingly glamorous travellers and yearn to be somewhere exotic. Whether we believe...